More than a decade has passed since mobile applications were introduced that could be used by insurance agents to help them close sales faster. Although many insurance companies have introduced such applications, only a few have achieved significant levels of success. Why is that so when in today’s day and age digital solutions are widely accepted? The answer is not on how familiar a user is with digital solutions, but on how useful it could be for the user. It is because when a sales agent has been following a fairly successful method using a laptop for many years resistance to change builds up. The problem is that the users often fail to appreciate that change could result in increased earnings.
How have some insurance companies achieved paperless mobile solutions for insurance sales where more than 90% of all sales take place through such solutions? Assuming, of course that the mobile application is easy to use and meets all the needs of the user and the insurance company, I observed two factors that were the reasons for such successful implementations.
The first and foremost factor is when a CXO has personally driven the project. I have seen a CEO take keen interest in the project even in the development stage to the extent of even suggesting usability changes. This CEO chaired the steering committee for the project and when the project was ready, personally demonstrated the application at a conference of sales agents. His enthusiasm was so infectious that at the end of the conference hundreds of sales agents lined up to get enrolled as users of the application. And today, after a few years have passed, the application has been so well accepted by the sales agents that they are the ones suggesting improvements.
The second factor for success is that a strong training program was set in place to train new users. Trainers traveled to every corner of the country holding short training sessions. These sessions were reinforced by repeat sessions periodically. This action gave the users a feeling of comfort that the company cared enough to spend time and effort in helping them get started with the application. A help-desk was also established to support new users as they went out in the field. Often, when companies introduce a new application for field personnel, they assume that the functional benefit of the application to the user is sufficient incentive for the user to adopt the application. Functional benefit of an application is definitely a must, without which the application will not get accepted. However, especially if the users are independent sales agents, the company’s CXO’s personal interest and the company’s sustained efforts to hand-hold the user are absolutely essential for exceptional success in implementation of a new mobile application for insurance.