industries Insurance
For over two decades, AccelTree has been at the forefront of Insurtech innovation, driving advancements tailored to the unique needs of the insurance industry. With 22 years of dedicated focus, our solutions cater to the complex landscape of insurance, where enhanced customer service, streamlined claims processing, and robust risk management are paramount. AccelTree’s tools are designed to integrate effortlessly into existing systems, offering scalability and adaptability to meet the evolving demands of insurers. By harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies, we help insurance companies not only keep pace with industry changes but also set new standards in efficiency and customer engagement, ensuring they stand out in a competitive market.
Our Ecosystem for Insurance Industry
AcceLife An agile, highly configurable PoS solution that empowers your sales force with multi-device access, driving accelerated sales in weeks.
AccelBot An AI-powered and voice-enabled Chatbot with advanced conversational capabilities, delivering seamless personalized support and effortlessly driving policy sales.
AccelWritR Configure underwriting rules for faster policy issuance, with rule evaluations even in offline mode, minimizing manual intervention throughout the process.
AccelV-KYC Accelerate customer verification with AI-driven KYC and consent capture – all designed to reduce costs, encourage compliance and prevent disputes.
AccelBanca An innovative web-based insurance solution that empowers bank staff with real-time quotes, seamless document management, and compliance tools to accelerate bank insurance sales.
InsurSaathi An all-in-one mobile solution for agent onboarding, training, licensing and customer acquisition, unlocking the potential of micro and rural insurance.
AccelRemote A patented, easy-to-use mobile app enabling agents and clients to collaboratively complete forms in real-time for accurate paperwork and seamless onboarding from anywhere.
AcceLeadZ Capture, track, and prioritize insurance leads from multiple sources, ensuring effective engagement and conversion from prospect to policyholder.
Let's Connect
Our team is driven by passion, committed to excellence, and united by a shared vision. We’re ready to help you succeed. Let’s Get Started

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